
Jose Andres cuisine

One of the main gambling resort «The Ranchales» is undoubtedly its exquisite cuisine. Entering the restaurant, taste «Jose Andres cuisine» and move to a world of culinary delights, it is all one.


If we had to choose from the restaurant’s dishes, maybe we should opt for their stuffed peppers, which after having eaten, there will be a before and after. Without scorning the super scrambled mushrooms, asparagus well painstaking, his prized meat and homemade desserts careful.


The Selected and careful Carta

The menu will be a delightful experience for the whole view and palate. The wide variety appetizing names of dishes, the curious to try this and that, configure a different way of eating and drinking. The big advantage over the letter, is that the election take
take, there is always chosen well, because any dish disappoint.

Pintxos, platos & delicatessen

Our Creations

Mejillones de pinares

If you are interested in booking a table contact us and send us the details
